Since the publication of the first Malaysian COPD clinical practice guideline in 1998, many new evidence has emerged in COPD management. Thus, in Jan 2009, a working committee, comprising health care professionals from various fields, was formed and chaired by Prof Liam Chong Kin. The development of the guideline was spearheaded by the Malaysian Thoracic Society, assisted by Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Section, Ministry of Health (MOH) and supported by Academy of Medicine (AM). In Nov 2009, the guideline received official approval from the MOH.
There are a few important changes made in this new guideline.
- A greater emphasis on the confirmation of COPD by spirometry test.
- In contrast to the first guideline, the assessment of COPD severity is based not only on the FEV1, but also on the dyspnoea scores and the frequency of COPD exacerbation.
- A quick reference guide is attached to enable rapid search.
The official launch of the guideline took place on 22nd May 2010 in PJ Hilton Hotel, Malaysia. This function was attended by more than 160 participants from around Malaysia, including representatives from MOH and AM.
The event started with an opening address by the MTS President, Assoc Prof Dr Roslina, followed by a lecture entitled "What's new in 2010 - the Malaysian COPD CPG Updates" by Prof Dr Liam Chong Kin, the working committee chairman.
In conjunction with the launch, the COPD Assessment Test was introduced for the first time to the Malaysian audience by Prof Paul Jones, from United Kingdom. Prof Jones also delivered a lecture entitled "Treatment objectives, assessment and treatment in COPD"
Lecture by Prof CK Liam |
Lecture by Prof Paul Jones |

Official launch of the 2nd Ed. Malaysian COPD guideline

From the left: A/Prof Roslina, Prof Liam (*MTS), Dr Amin (*HTA), Dr Zainudin (*Academy of Medicine)