
Welcome Message from Organising Chair

Welcome to 2019 MTS Annual Congress! It gives me a great pleasure to welcome friends and colleagues to Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur for our lively annual scientific gathering from 18th till 21st July 2019.

Respiratory Medicine has undergone massive transformational changes over the past few years with lots of new developments and advances in the field. With this in mind, our scientific team has come up with a very exciting programme to keep us abreast with the current updates encompassing wide variety of interesting topics. The programme will be tailored to individual needs from general physician level all the way to the subspecialist level. We will also have sessions dedicated to our allied health colleagues to enhance the working environment and improve the teamwork in managing our patients. more »


MTS Mobile App

Do visit AppStore (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mts-2019/id1409027246?ls=1)  or Play Store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mts.inglab.android) to install the MTS 2019 mobile application in your smartphone.

If you have any previous version of the MTS mobile app, kindly uninstall from your smartphone before reinstalling the updated version.



Final Announcement »»

Poster »»

Hotel Booking Form »»

Abstract Template »»


Travel Grant